Building Community, Growing Faith, and Proclaiming God’s Love.
February 15
New York, NY
March 15
New York, NY
Meet Pastor Morgan!
Morgan (She/Her) has served as the HouMin Campus Minister since September 2020. Pastor Morgan serves students, faculty, and staff at the campuses of the University of Houston, Texas Southern University, University of Houston-Downtown, San Jacinto College, and Houston Community College. Rev. Morgan’s joys in ministry are worship,community engagement, youth and young adult ministry, and music! Morgan is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University (`16) and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (`20). As a student at LSTC Morgan was very involved in campus and community life through involvement with Thesis 96, MSA, and chapel life. Rev.Morgan speaks highly of the Public Church program and curriculum at LSTC, and regularly recognizes its role in preparing her for ministry and helping her discern her call.
HouMin is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Partner
At HouMin we joyfully and unconditionally welcome you. Our boundless inclusivity embraces all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and will reflect our commitment to anti-racism and racial equity. You embody the expansiveness of the human (HouMin) experience and have a place here.