2nd Annual “Friendsgiving!”

2nd Annual “Friendsgiving!”

You are invited to join HouMin on Sunday, November 17th from 5-7pm at St. Francis of the City Lutheran Church for HouMin's Second Annual "Friendsgiving" Potluck!!

This will be an opportunity to connect with fellow campus ministry students, alumni, university employees within our Synod, and folks who care about campus ministry. We will have a potluck “Friendsgiving Meal” to enjoy after a simple time of worship. Let us know below if you'll be joining us and what you might like to bring to share at our table!

**If you can't join us, but would still like to support HouMin you can donate via tithely using this link!

St. Francis of the City Lutheran Church
5700 Lawndale St.
Houston, TX

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Ashes To-Go

Ashes To-Go

Ashes and a brief blessing are available for all from 12-4pm on Ash Wednesday, February 14th, in the lobby of the A.D. Bruce Religion Center and the main entrance of Student Center South at the University of Houston - Main Campus. We mark our foreheads with dust in the shape of the life-giving cross to remember that our earthly death is not the end of our baptismal promise. All are welcome to receive ashes.

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Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour

Stop by Cougar Grounds and chat with Pr. Morgan over your favorite coffee shop beverage or snack! We can swap dad jokes, solve the world’s problems, or talk about whatever’s on your mind. All are welcome.

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Queer Bible Study

Queer Bible Study

Most folks in the LGBTQIA+ community know all of the “clobber” texts in the Bible… many of us have spent our whole lives defending ourselves against them. So what we’ll focus on in this semester's Queer Bible Study are the expansive stories and verses of the Christian Bible… those places where God leaves the door wide open for a more beautiful and complete picture of God’s creation, in all of our forms and genders and expressions.

HouMin is a Reconciling in Christ Ministry. This means that: we joyfully and unconditionally welcome you. Our boundless inclusivity embraces all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and will reflect our commitment to anti-racism and racial equity. You embody the expansiveness of the human (HouMin) experience and have a place here.

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Interfaith Dialogue Dinner

Interfaith Dialogue Dinner

The Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series is an opportunity to understand and show respect for other religious/spiritual identities, thereby increasing our appreciation of their values. All are welcome to be a part of the engaging table discussion during a dinner service that will hopefully satisfy the mind, the body, and the soul.

Interfaith dialogue refers to cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e. "faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels. It is distinct from syncretism or alternative religion, in that dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions or beliefs to increase acceptance of others, rather than to synthesize new beliefs.

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